Layanan Kami

Kami menyediakan jasa sewa crane dan forklift untuk kebutuhan proyek Anda dengan harga kompetitif.

Sewa Forklift Diesel

Forklift kami tersedia untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan angkat barang berat dengan efisiensi tinggi dan aman.

Sewa Mobile Crane

Layanan sewa crane kami siap membantu Anda dalam proyek konstruksi dengan berbagai jenis crane.

Layanan sewa truck mounted crane yang terpercaya dan berkualitas tinggi untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan proyek konstruksi Anda.

Sewa Truck Mounted Crane

Layanan Sewa Forklift dan Crane

Kami menyediakan pilihan layanan sewa dengan spesifikasi dan harga yang kompetitif.

Sewa Harian

Sewa forklift harian dengan harga terjangkau dan spesifikasi sesuai kebutuhan proyek Anda.

Sewa Crane Bulanan

Nikmati layanan sewa crane bulanan dengan harga bersaing dan spesifikasi yang lengkap.

Sewa Forklift Bulanan

Dapatkan sewa forklift bulanan dengan penawaran terbaik dan pelayanan yang memuaskan.

Proses Sewa Unit

Tahapan proses penyewaan forklift dan crane

a couple of signs that are on the side of a building
a couple of signs that are on the side of a building
Pilih Unit Sewa

Tentukan unit yang ingin Anda sewa untuk proyek Anda.

Hubungi Kami

Telepon atau WhatsApp untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan penawaran harga.


Lakukan kesepakatan mengenai lokasi dan harga sewa unit yang dipilih.

Proses Persetujuan
Proses Unit

Penyediaan unit kelokasi

Proyek Kami

Kami menyediakan layanan sewa crane dan forklift untuk berbagai proyek.

A large yellow crane with the lettering 'Grove' is positioned on a vehicle platform. A red caution tape with the words 'Danger Do Not Enter' is surrounding the area. The sky is clear in the background.
A large yellow crane with the lettering 'Grove' is positioned on a vehicle platform. A red caution tape with the words 'Danger Do Not Enter' is surrounding the area. The sky is clear in the background.
Proyek Terbaru

Kami telah menyelesaikan berbagai proyek dengan sukses menggunakan crane dan forklift, memenuhi kebutuhan klien di berbagai sektor industri dengan layanan yang profesional dan terpercaya.

A large mobile crane is parked on a concrete surface in an industrial area. The crane's boom is extended upwards towards the clear blue sky. It is mounted on a white truck with six wheels, and there are various components visible, such as hydraulic cylinders and cables. Nearby, additional machinery and equipment can be seen, suggesting a construction or industrial setting.
A large mobile crane is parked on a concrete surface in an industrial area. The crane's boom is extended upwards towards the clear blue sky. It is mounted on a white truck with six wheels, and there are various components visible, such as hydraulic cylinders and cables. Nearby, additional machinery and equipment can be seen, suggesting a construction or industrial setting.
Proyek Sukses

Dengan pengalaman yang luas, kami telah mendukung banyak proyek besar dan kecil, memastikan efisiensi dan keselamatan dalam setiap layanan sewa crane dan forklift yang kami tawarkan.

Layanan sewa crane dan forklift sangat memuaskan, cepat dan profesional. Sangat direkomendasikan!

Budi Santoso

Several large construction lifts are parked in an outdoor lot, each with long extendable arms. Bright red barricades are placed in front of the machinery. The sky above is a clear, vivid blue with some wispy clouds.
Several large construction lifts are parked in an outdoor lot, each with long extendable arms. Bright red barricades are placed in front of the machinery. The sky above is a clear, vivid blue with some wispy clouds.
A large crane arm extends diagonally across the image with a heavy-duty hook hanging from it, silhouetted against a cloudy, overcast sky. The industrial equipment appears robust and weathered, highlighting its use in construction or lifting tasks.
A large crane arm extends diagonally across the image with a heavy-duty hook hanging from it, silhouetted against a cloudy, overcast sky. The industrial equipment appears robust and weathered, highlighting its use in construction or lifting tasks.
